Utah Grand Chapter

Order of the Eastern Star

Eastern Star Logo

Eastern Star a Life of Love,     
Masonry a Way of Life!
“Paws in the Snow” 115th Annual Session
                Officers with Escorts
Worthy Grand Matron Paula Poglajen, Worthy Grand Patron David Read, the Grand Family and our Escorts. 

Our Star Links

Grand Officers

 Free Calendars by Bravenet.com
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How do I Join?
Download a Petition
Petition for Dual/Plural Membership
Scholarship and Charity Applications
Read the Eastern Star Journal online!

General Grand Chapter
Grand Lodge of Utah

Installations of Utah Subordinate Chapters as of Nov. 1, 2021

November 5th—7:30pm
Lynd's Chapter #1 (elections then Installation)
Light Refreshments

November 6th—2:00pm
Tooele Valley Chapter #25
Lunch at 12:00pm

November 6th—3:00pm
Bethany Chapter #9
Meeting at 1:00pm, Installation at 3:00pm

November 12th—7:30pm
Mountain Chapter #2
Tailgating at 6:30pm

November 12th—7:00pm
Radiant Chapter #12

November 13th—2:00pm
Cedar City Chapter #20

November 14th—2:00pm
Adah Chapter #15

November 17th—7:00pm
Beth Arabah Chapter #24

November 20th—1:00pm
Corrine Chapter #11

November 20th—1:00pm
Mt. Olympus Chapter #23

November 21st—2:20pm
Bethsaida Chapter #22

November 23rd—7:30pm
Miriam Chapter #14

Naomi Chapter #13—TBD

Worthy Grand Matron Schedule as of Oct. 21, 2021

October 9th, 2021—7:00pm Installation of Officers

November, 2021—Chapter Installations

December 18th, 2021—School of Instruction

January 15th, 2022—WGP Kickoff 11:00am
Beth Arabah, Clearfield

January 25th, 2022—Miriam Chapter #14 Grand Visitation 7:30pm
Brigham City Temple

February 4th, 2022—Lynds Chapter #1 Grand Visitation 7:30pm
Salt Lake City Temple

February 5th, 2022—Grand Lodge Installation

February 12th, 2022—WGM Fundraiser Fashion Show

February 26th, 2022—Corrine Chapter #11 Grand Visitation 11:00am
Brigham City Temple

March 2nd, 2022—Adah Chapter #15 Grand Visitation 7:00pm
Midvale Temple

March 8th, 2022—Radiant Chapter #12 Grand Visitation 7:00pm
Salt Lake City Temple

March 11th, 2022—Mountain Chapter #2 Grand Visitation 7:30pm
Bountiful Temple

March 18th, 2022—Mt. Olympus Chapter #23 Grand Visitation 7:00pm
Midvale Temple

March 25th–26th, 2022—Four State Extravaganza
Evanston, Wyoming

April 9th, 2022—Cedar City Chapter #20 Grand Visitation 1:00pm
Cedar City Temple

April 12th, 2022—Bethsaida Chapter #22 Grand Visitation 7:30pm
Bountiful Temple

April 29th–May 1st, 2022—Four Corners

May 7th, 2022—Run for the Roses 2:00pm
Union Grill, Ogden

May 20th, 2022—Naomi Chapter #13 Grand Visitation 7:00pm

May 21st, 2022—Bethany Chapter #9 Grand Visitation 11:00am
Green River

June 4th, 2022—WGM Homecoming 11:00am
Tooele Valley Chapter #25

June 2022—WGP's Fundraiser

June 2022—Service Dog Fundraiser

July 8th–9th, 2022—WGM Trip
Shakespear Festival

August 2022—Campout and Rob Morris Picnic

October 13th–15th 2022—Grand Chapter

We are very disappointed to announce the cancellation of this Fall's Grand Chapter Triennial session in Salt Lake City. There will be a two day virtual assembly November 3rd and 4th.

Here is the Election and Registration letter from GGC.   This is the letter explaining voting rules.

Here are two new procedures for conducting Initiation Ceremonies under Covid 19 from GGC.

Here is a Video about Eastern Star support of the Service Dogs charity!

In the upheaval of the pandemic all of our usual fundraisers were cancelled.
Donations for the Worthy Grand Matron's charities as well as the Ed Fund and ESTARL Fund can be made through your Chapter Secretary. Please give generously.

The Grand Chapter of Utah has been saddened by the recent loss of too many great leaders of Utah Eastern Star.

Past Grand Matron Bobbie Kidrick passed away July 1st, 2021.
Her Eastern Star memorial will be posted shortly. No services are planned at this time.

Our Condolences to the families of this wonderful Past Grand Matron. May she rest in peace.

General Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star has a Permanent Disaster Relief Fund.
This has been used for hurricane and earthquake relief and will be used to provide aid to victims
of disasters throughout our Eastern Star World. 
Please contribute generously through your Chapter Secretary.

The Belmont Mansion, Our Eastern Star International Headquarters in Dupont Circle,
Washington DC has received the DC preservation league's prestigious Stewardship Award!PMWGP John Grobler
              and PRWGS Alma Lynn Bane receiving award.

Here is a YouTube video about the Mansion.        Here are more details about the Mansion.
Congratulations all those involved for their care of our Headquarters!
A 501 (c) 3 foundation is now available for tax deductible donations!

Congratulations to our newly appointed members of General Grand Chapter for the Fiftieth Triennium 2019-2021.
    Carla Carmain-Herret, Ambassador, Hawaii
    Ruthmarie Rives, Member, Eastern Star Journal Committee
    Karen Holm, Member, Heart Committee
    Melinda Klinger-Dennis, Member, Registration Committee   
    Donna Testi, Most Worthy Grand Matron Special Appointee “Campfire Friend”

We look forward to your contributions to our future!

What is the Order of the Eastern Star?

The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization in the world to which men and women may belong.
It encircles the earth with over 5,500 Chapters in the United States, Canada, and 13 other countries.

Though its teachings are based on the Bible the Order of the Eastern Star espouses no religion and is neither secret nor political.
Its members are comprised of men who are Master Masons and women with specific Masonic relationships.
Millions of dollars are raised annually within its membership for numerous projects which benefit mankind.
Many national and local charities are among the projects supported by its members.
Through this fraternal service to humanity, its members strive to build a better, more fulfilling way of life for all.

The Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of Utah

Founded 1905  


Favorite Web Sites (Still Looking!)

Please tell us what you think about this site.  
Send your comments and suggestions to the
Email Worthy Grand Matron Paula
Email Grand Secretary Karen
Email Web-lacky John

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Last Revised 11/5/21
Copyright 2021 Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of Utah, Inc.